I had only been back from Russia for a week, but I already wanted to leave Los Angeles and get outdoors. My friend Mikey wanted to go camping, so we considered the usual spots within a couple of hours of Los Angeles; Joshua Tree, the Angeles Forest, Big Sur. When all of our friends dropped out from going on the trip, we realized that we could go as near or far as we were willing to drive. We became determined to cross the state line and leave California for a few days, and we set our sights on Moab, Utah. We packed my Honda Fit, tossed Gary the dog in the car, and drove Northeast.
I ran all over town the night before the trip to buy a Sony A7S camera from Craigslist. After buying and trying digital camera after digital camera to replace my slow and costly film habit, a bit of research led me to believe that this camera would be the end-all in my quest for the best digital. With just a little VSCO love in Lightroom I am pretty happy with the results.